Finishing Tips

Read these 14 Finishing Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Cross Stitching tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What type of matting should be used to frame cross stitch projects?

Matting Colors

In general, lighter mats are a better choice than darker ones. Dark matting tends to make a project look smaller, although in some cases this may be the desired artistic effect. When double or triple matting, use a darker color for the inner mat to set off the piece.

What types of pins can be used when framing cross stitch?

Pinning To Mounting Board

When pinning fabric to a mounting board for framing, use stainless steel pins. Stainless steel pins won't rust over time and damage the fabric.

How can I cut down on framing costs?

Selecting Projects Suitable For Framing

Before starting a piece, anticipate how it may eventually be finished. If you don't have the budget for a custom made frame, select projects that will fit into common frame sizes (5X7, 8X10, etc.).

What type of matting should be used to frame cross stitch projects?

Choosing Matting

When choosing a mat to frame your projects, look for acid free products. Acid will stain or damage needlework fabric over time.

Should I use glass when framing my work?

Framing With Glass

Do not let glass touch the needlework after it has been framed. A spacer placed under the glass will keep it away from the fabric. This is also helpful for projects with embellishments that protrude from the fabric such as French knots, ribbons, and beads.

How can I get folds or creases out of a completed project?

Ironing Projects

To get creases out of a project, place it face down on the ironing board, put a damp towel on top and iron lightly.

How do I keep a record of my projects?

Before You Give It Away...

Photograph your work before giving it away as a gift. Create your own stitching photo album of all your completed pieces.

How do I photograph finished pieces?

Natural Light

As natural light is best for creating needlework, it is also excellent for photographing it. Natural light will bring out the colors and texture of your work. If natural light is not possible a flash may help; if the needlework is behind glass it will cause a glare.

What types of mounting board are used for framing cross stitch?

Mounting Board

When mounting your finished project, choose a mounting surface that is non-acidic. Unsealed wood, masonite, upson board, corrugated craft cardboard, recycled boards, chipboard, news board, and sponge-covered board are all acidic and may discolor fabrics over time.

How do I photograph finished pieces?

Digital Cameras

If you want to post pictures of your needlework on a web site, digital cameras are a good choice. With digital cameras you can take repeated pictures until the desired effect is achieved.

Can I wash my completed project?

Washing Your Project

Some floss dye may run when washed. Test floss for colorfastness before washing a project, or better yet, before you even use the floss.

What size matting should I use to frame my cross stitch?

Mat Size

The size of the mat will depend on the size of the piece and the desired effect. In general, larger mats look better with large pieces - smaller mats may look sparse. However, a large mat may have an interesting effect when paired with a small piece.

Should I use glass when framing my work?

Non-glare Glass

Be wary of non-glare glass when framing your work. This type of glass is made with acid that can damage needlework over time.

Can I scan my needlework?


If you have a flatbed scanner, you can experiment with scanning your needlework. Ensure that the glass is clean and dust-free before putting your hard work on it!

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Lynda Moultry